Make sure to pay personal expenses from personal accounts and business expense from business accounts. A few transactions is not a big deal, a lot of transactions can be a very big deal.
When you are paying personal expenses with business funds, it’s called “Commingling” and if you do this, the IRS can completely invalidate your business.
If you are an s-corp the IRS can -and will- revoke your s-corp status for doing it. If the IRS revokes your s-corp status they’ll go back as far as they can - to the beginning of your s-corp, and then they will make you pay back all the Self employment tax that you saved by being an s-corp, that's 15.3% tax on all of your net income for every single year ! Plus penalties and interest!
The only way that the IRS allows an s-corp to pay for & deduct personal expenses like vehicles and home offices is through what is called an "Accountable Plan". That is because these are things that are held in your personal name, not the corporation’s name. In other words the S-corp does not own these assets, and it cannot deduct expenses for things it doesn't own….unless you have an Accountable Plan….
See also How do S-Corps deduct home offices and personal vehicle expenses? Intro to Accountable Plans
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