Our recommendation is to never change your legal registered business entity name; instead have your business entity form a DBA ("doing business as") tradename in the new name you want to use, and use that DBA name everywhere in the market place.
If you change the legal name of your business entity, it can take a very long time to receive confirmation from the IRS that is needed in order to move forward with updating the name everywhere it is used...banks, merchant accounts, 1099 issuers, software, state tax agencies/department of revenue/dept of labor, Fed tax agencies/IRS/SSA, vehicle titles, building titles, leases etc etc etc.
It causes a year and a half long mess. We do not recommend it.
It causes a year and a half long mess. We do not recommend it.
Instead of all that pain, we recommend that either you or someone you hire register a DBA "doing business as " trade name for your business entity with your sectary of state.
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