We want to get you bookkeeping done, reviewed, verified, and financials reports to you on time everytime, every month every quarter, we begin tax filing work in December and January. We want to get the work done efficiently and accurately. So when things slow us down, that's not a good thing. ANd that is when you will run into increasings costs.
The biggest thing you can do for yourself is to make sure that when we ask you for something you do your best to get it to us as soon as you can. We have a motto here that life always comes first, so I’m not talking about dropping everything for an immediate response. What I am saying is that if we are asking for something 2 3 maybe 4 times, that’s not good and that means you could find yourself looking at increased support fees to cover all that extra time we are spending. I don’t want you to have to do this. So please just stay communicative with us, your business really does depend on it.
See also What are "Handwritten Transaction" Fees?
See also Want your Accounting for Free? Singletrack Referral Rewards Program
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